Welcome to Garland Texas

Name: Welcome to Garland Texas
Maker: Hostile Intent Fabrications
Price: $10.00
Limited Edition: Yes
Quantity Made: 250
Purchase Link
“Welcome to Garland Tx”
When these are gone there will be no more made
Released with a limited edition card detailing the incident and saluting the Garland TX Police
SIZE : (3.00″W x 2.4″T)
BACKING: Hook Velcro
MATERIAL: 100% High Grade Rubber PVC (and and a touch of gunpowder, TX style!)
PVC Patch
There’s an old joke that goes like this…
Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger lounge in Bozeman, Montana, awaiting their flights.
One is an American Indian passing through from Lame Deer. Another is a Cowboy on his way to Billings for a livestock
show and the third passenger is a fundamentalist Arab student, newly arrived at Montana State University from the Middle East.
… Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the two Westerners learn that the Arab is a devout, radical Muslim and
the conversation falls into an uneasy lull. The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table and tips his
big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outside is blowing tumbleweeds around, and the old windsock is flapping;
but still no plane comes.
Finally, the American Indian clears his throat and softly he speaks, “At one time here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few.”
The Muslim student raises an eyebrow and leans forward, “Once my people were few,” he sneers, “and now we are many. Why do you
suppose that is?”
The Cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a drawl, “That’s ‘
cause we ain’t played Cowboys and Muslims yet, but I do believe it’s a-comin’.”
Great Joke, huh? But realistically, there ain’t a cowboy out there who can say that “it’s a comin” anymore. The game has been played and
a National Champion has been declared definitively!
On May 3rd this year an attack was carried out by two Muslim extremists on the Curtis Culwwell Center in Garland, TX. These men (Elton Simpson and Nadir Hamad Soofi) attacked officers with Gunfire at the entrance to an exhibit featuring cartoon images of Muhammad. Shortly after the attackers started their assault, both were shot and killed by a Garland Texas police officer.
The patches below displays a fictional interstate sign that one might (should, in my opinion ) see when approaching Garland City Limits. This patch is HIF’s salute to the Garland TX Police Department for telling the world “NOT HERE!!”
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