Lucky Bastard

Name: Lucky Bastard
Maker: Above Ground Level
Price: $9.00
Limited Edition: Yes
Quantity Made: 100
Purchase Link
Given the extreme resistance of the Axis forces, German fighters and heavy flak during World War II bombing missions over Europe, it was improbable that any aircrew member of a bombing sortie could escape damage to the aircraft or its crew. Upon reaching a certain number of completed missions (usually 25 or more), the service member had literally beaten the odds of survival, and was awarded the honor of being inducted into the “Lucky Bastard Club”
The design consists of a four leaf clover, and horseshoe as traditional symbols of luck that were used on some of the Lucky Bastard Club certificates, as well as the historical US Army Air Corps star, which was the predecessor to the US Army Air Force, who participated in the famous daylight precision bombing campaigns of the 8th Air Force over Europe.
This is our small way of honoring all of the brave men and women, past and present, who serve in the skies and face certain danger with every journey into combat.
Wear the Lucky Bastard proudly on your journey, wherever it may lead. Sally forth, and return.
^ 3″ x 3″
^ Hook backing
^ 100% embroidered
^ Only 100 made
100% of the proceeds from the sale of the Lucky Bastard patch will be donated to the 100th Bomb Group Foundation.
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