Gray Knights Shadow Gray

Name: Gray Knights Shadow Gray
Maker: Prometheus Design Werx
Price: $6.00
Limited Edition: No
Quantity Made: ?
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The crest for the Order of the Promethean Gray Knights in our Shadow Gray color variant.
Endeavor to walk the better path, but know the ways of both Darkness and Light. When met by it, Darkness is sometimes a tool to be called upon, but we shall not be corrupted by it. Follow a code, but not so blindly that you can not at times adapt and question it to improve upon it. Stay true to yourself and those in your order. Help each other when we fall and return them to the path. Help others to see the path. One can not achieve perfection, only commit to finding it. Live your life to the fullest, follow your heart and know that your mind will follow.
Height: 2.8″
Fully embroidered rayon thread on canvas backing
Hook backing with cover
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