Armed Christian

Name: Armed Christian
Maker: Hostile Intent Fabrications
Price: $10.00
Limited Edition: No
Quantity Made: ?
Purchase Link
Tags: Christian.
SIZE : (3.40″W x 2.90″T)
BACKING: Hook Velcro
MATERIAL: 100% Embroidery and whole lot of attitude…with a smile :)
The Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, or whatever we are calling them as the flavor of the week; is marking homes and businesses owned by Christians with an Arabic letter -> ن (pronounced “noon”), the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet and the equivalent to the Roman letter N. The ن stands for Nasara or Nazarenes, a pejorative Arabic word for Christians.
I say fuck em’, I’m owning this shit, but in a positive way. Since the ن looks like a one-eyed smily face, I figured I go ahead and own that as well. That’s what brought about “Armed Christian” as a patch. I started this design before the Paris Attacks, and way before San Bernardino. So after those atrocities, this patch has now almost taken on a life of its own. If you are not content to be a victim, if you carry a firearm daily or at least whenever you can, if you don’t believe in the faith of peace and are willing to respond with violence if violence occurs…then I think I made a little something-something here just for you skippy :)
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