Violent Little Machine Shop
Website: Violent Little Machine ShopMorale Patches:
After spending time working jobs where our *strange senses of humor weren't considered "profitable" or "professional"...it became clear that we needed a different line of work. After getting our start in leather morale patches for a few elite military units, a lightbulb went off: patches are an awesome media for our stupid ideas! Being in the mindset of rapidly producing cool stuff based off our ideas allowed us to experiment with other types of products (wallets, bottle openers, etc)...which keeps us constantly working on new things. Cut to a few years later, and we have more product than we know what to do with (it's seriously a pain in the ass keeping track of all this stuff).
In our very non-humble and biased opinions, we make the best morale patches around...period.
Our various military, adventure, business, design, and maker backgrounds give us a unique advantage in not only having an eye for the most creative and hilarious ideas (in our minds at least), but the execution skills necessary to put out a quality product at an attractive price (this keeps things moving, so that we don't get bored).
We received a disgruntled email the other day from a distributor of ours whom decided to cut all ties with us based on "ethical reasons"...but it succinctly summed up what we do here:
"...most of your patches are frankly just immature. Lastly, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish and fully don't understand your business philosophy...in any case it DOES not match mine at all."
That's why we're different from all these other "tactical" companies in this space. Most of these companies play the "fake it till you make it" game. We couldn't give a shit about that here. Our formula has been the same since the beginning, and it hasn't changed, not even after we hired one of the top terrorist killers to ever walk the earth after he was done striking fear into the black hearts of the worst of the worst (see what we did there? -just casually dropped in ambiguous operator shit to let you know that we know that you know we're fucking good to go). We couldn't be prouder of what we've created here. She's a beautiful little makerspace that not only serves as a home base to execute our products and vision, but to provide inspiration and balance to all facets of our lives while making like minded people laugh. The droids that you are looking for...you will not find them here.
Violent Little Machine Shop is our opportunity to do all the things we were previously limited to doing in our old capacity.
Its an opportunity to be free from old-fashioned, risk-averse, analyze-to-death thinking where very little actually gets done. We wanted a company that was not only fun and innovative, but especially supportive of the communities it serves. Violent Little is just that. Coming to work for us is no different than going to your buddies house to shoot the shit.
If you're ever in our neck of the woods, give us a shout and drop by for a game of Ping Pong, some jiu-jitsu, and/or a beer. Enjoy your life.